Friday, March 28, 2008

thinking critically

not everything they tell you on the television is true..children of this united states of blatant disregard. If I'm lucky the earth is flat like my senses.. and fox news is the shittiest compilation of supposedly relevant and unbiased information this side of my sanity..

i think im in love again. that's the third time in two weeks. I have nightmares on wax, but i daydream on cds. Im rambling..ok. lets get to the point.

....Think critcally. Please. what I'm trying to say is, your professor is not a prophet. if your going to pay good dinero for an kollidge egukashion you better damn well pay attention. at the very least. please. question everything you read, see, hear, smell, and observe. whether it is embedded in cambridge edited text or written on the walls of your favorite bathroom stall..question every bit of information for what it's worth. I'm not asking you to be that obnoxiously pedantic motherfucker in the third row who sits far enough away from the front to play it cool, but close enough to stick his dumb grill in every sentence seeping from your lecturer's lips. Dont be a jerk.. im just sayin. Engage yourself. By being actively involved you will process more knowledge. and knowledge can move mountains. any idiot can move a milk carton.... im just sayin.

I'm speaking to myself really. i've been told that all good writers are writing for one person and one person only. whether it's your dog, your mother in law, or your mail man. if you try to write for more than one person, nobody gets the point and everybody loses. today i am writing for me. so fuck you. pardon my language, i happen to be a very passionate individual. and fuck is a very passionate word. hence, i use it often.

when i grow up i wish to be a child. I would like to be a toys are us middle aged man. but i got overdue bills to pay and nothing is ever exactly what it seems. matter of fact it's usually ridiculously different. For example.. time is not real. it is not 8:51PM on a Sunday right now. it is anytime on everyday youve ever known to exist. i dont believe in history books or fortune tellers. Everything is in the now. Then is tomorrow. and tomorrow is genesis.

does that make me crazy? perhaps. But Dick Cheney doesnt believe in Global Warming. apparantly it's a myth. well, this automobile runs on alcohol, caffeine, and pink floyd remastered. so, i like to think im doing my part. i recyle my Metro everyday goddamnit. god... damn... it. well, as long as we dont beat him to it....


Victoria said...

Im feeling this!!!...real deeeep! Everybody need to get up on it and start thinking critically and outside the box...myself included

The Professor said...

This is hot...I like your style, free-flowing, whatever comes to mind. But it's so real and raw!

Krissy said...

Wow, so that's what goes on inside your mind... very deep.

feebes said...

you are talented, Mr. S....I must say......